From: Geert Barentsen, Public Observatory of Antwerp Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 16:45:26 +0100 Because IMO has net yet published first results, we have made an illustrative graph based on simplified data submitted through a form for the "general public". It clearly shows a first peak a little bit after 5UT, and the second peak around 10:50UT (later than expected?). Our observers in France saw no less than 82 meteors between 05:05 and 05:10 UT last night! (limiting magnitude around 4.5) They expect a max ZHR of roughly 3500-4000 for the first peak in Europe, but this is only a wild guess. Please don't forget to use the "IMO quick report form" to report your observations. I understand it will help IMO to make a quick first analysis of the storm. Greetings from Belgium (where the show got spoiled by clouds).