From: Greg Arnquist Date: Subject: I was 15 years old when the Leonid meteor shower was covering our sky. The 1962 Seattle World's Fair was still fresh in my mind, because it was devoted to the future and space was a major theme. My mother woke me up around 2 in the morning. We went out in the front yard and I was amazed because there were numerous shooting stars filling the sky at any one moment. I was awe-struck and it became a wonderful memory that has been one of most unique- since I love to tell this story. Many people find it hard to believe, but I could hear some of them burning up in the atmosphere. My mom and I spent a long time out there throughly stunned by the experience. (Partly amazed that the sky was clear enought in the northwest). I would love to be in Asia now, where I assume it would be a similar experience.