From: Hans Betlem, Dutch Meteor Society Mike Koop, California Bay Meteor Society Date: Nov. 18, 1997 Multi-station photographic campaign near Edwards AFB southern California The 1997 Leonids showed a major event over the western part of the USA. Between 4:00 and 4:30 local time (12.00 - 12.30 UT), tens of fireballs were seen by observers in Southern California. There was a period in which about one fireball of -4 or better was seen every minute. Several of them -10 or so. Many long enduring persistant trains were reported. Due to the bright moonlight, no faint meteors were seen. A three station photographic network was set up by the members of the Californian Bay Meteor Society in cooperation with the Dutch Meteor Society which set up the third station at Edwards Air Force Base. Despite the bright moonlight and the moon nearly in its zenith, it was possible to make good photographs because of the very transparent sky we had at maximum night and the night before. We expect at least 40-50 bright Leonids and fireballs to have been photographed, many of them multi-station photographs. The California stations were set up at Walker Pass (where a small earthquake was also felt!) and at Goldstone test site. The Dutch station at Edwards Air Force Base was set up in close cooperation with a Canadian radar and video project set up by the NRC (Peter Brown).