Support data to help
determine layout of instruments on NASA DC-8 Airborne Laboratory.
There are several types of equipment racks. The preliminary position of racks are shown
in this floorplan. Please choose between the following
types and let us know what type is needed:
Basic design for window-supported instrument mount. Leonid MAC cameras will
be pointed upward. The support has to withstand a 9 g load.
Middle:Low 19" instrument support rack.
Right:High instrument rack. Also shown are
the two 60 degree windows.
Stow box for equipment storage during takeoff and landing.
10 flat 13x15 inch window ports are available on the DC8 , as well as one zenith
port with a dome. The following windows are available: 3 Borosillicate/BK7, 4 Pyrex,
2 Fused Quartz, 5
Soda-Lime or "Float Glas". Only three window assemblies are complete, others are in
casings but need yet to be installed in window blanks. The windows have
window rails that can be used to
mount the instruments.
The following mid-IR windows are
available: Sapphire (0.15 - 5.5 microns) is available as 4.5" diameter circular port;
Germanium (1.8 - 23 microns - Best 8-14 microns) is
available as 5.5" circular port, with second
adjacent "clear glass" (of unknown type) approx 5.5X11".
ASUR will have its own window,
same installation configuration as in prior missions (assumed right side).
Instrument layout:
Allsky camera P. Jenniskens
[ZENITH] Zenith InGaAs needs one near-IR transparent (6" dia dome),
Plastic type material.
Right side of plane:
Airglow and narrow-band imagers M. Taylor
[R570] - Co-aligned optical cameras
need one optically flat window (400-900 nm) (Pyrex)
[R530] - InGaAs camera needs one near-IR transparent window (Pyrex)
fixed mounted at 30 degree elevation (co-aligned with ASUR)
ASUR spectrometer K. Kuenzi
[R620] - Needs custom polyethyene viewport
fixed mounted at 30 degree elevation
UEA telescope J. Plane
[R1010] - Telescope needs one optically flat window BK7 (350-900 nm),
spectrograph mounted on floor, computer in rack.
VNR E. Schilling
[no window] - Editing studio in back of plane
(shown is the ARIA version, can be adapted to available facilities).
HDTV camera, share window 400-900 nm
flux counter C. Crawford
[R1290] - Two stand alone cameras need one optically flat window on
right side of plane (400-900 nm)
[share R1290] - ESA-IC with
control unit/laptop
Left side of plane:
High-speed photometer H. Nielsen
[L330] One optically flat window.
High-frame rate imaging H. Nielsen
[L450] Needs one optically flat window (500-900 nm). Camera
has its own mount.
Near-IR spectroscopy R. Blanco
[L570] Needs optical window 900-1000 nm.
Optical imaging R. Blanco
[L901] Needs optical window 380-900 nm.
AIMIT G. Varros
[ 1010] - Meteor tracker and slit-spectrograph.
CCD spectrograph ASTRO P. Jenniskens
[L1140] Needs one optically flat window BK7 (350-900 nm)
HDTV camera H. Yano
[L1180] Needs one optically flat window Fused Quartz (300-900 nm)
flexible mount, pointing up to 45 degree
flux counter C. Crawford
[L1290] - Four stand alone cameras need one optically flat window on
right side of plane (400-900 nm)