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Leonid MAC

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Mission Brief
Science Update
Media Brief

flag Jane Houston Jones,
California Meteor Society

Last updated: October 2002
E-Mail: jane [at]

Brief Biographical Information:

Jane Houston Jones is President of the Astronomical Association of Northern California, an umbrella group that coordinates and creates public awareness among 30 Northern California astronomy clubs and science centers, representing over 2000 amateur astronomers. She is on the board of directors of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and volunteers with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's Project Astro program. She also is the SF Bay Area coordinator of the Sidewalk Astronomers and helps out in John Dobson's telescope making classes. Jones is a member of many worldwide astronomy clubs from Sydney to Honolulu to San Francisco. Several of her astronomy articles have appeared in Sky and Telescope, Mercury and Amateur Astronomy Magazine. She is an occasionally employed IT consultant and technical writer in the San Francisco bay area.


As a visual meteor observer, Jones participated in 1998 and 2000 ground-based Leonid shower counts in California (which were partially clouded out), and watched many hours of video from the 1998 mission. In 1999 she was part of the near-real time flux measurement team aboard the Aria aircraft, and in 2001, led the visual flux measurement ground-based team in Alice Springs, Australia with her husband, Morris Jones. She has written many articles about the Leonids in particular and meteors in general for amateur astronomers and the public alike.

Research on Leonid MAC:

1999 Leonid MAC and 2002 Leonid MAC near-real time flux team member. Jones and other members of the flux team presented Leonid Outreach Programs to over 40 youth astronomy clubs, YMCA groups, church groups, amateur astronomy clubs, elementary school classrooms, and college astronomy lecture series. Ground based flux measurements during 1998, 2000 and 2001 missions, airborne flux measurements during the 1999 and 2002 missions.

Read about the 1999 Leonid trip in Jane's Scrapbook of the 1999 Leonid MAC mission. And read about the 2002 Leonid MAC missionhere.

with video headset display with certificate of appreciation

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