Rüdiger Jehn,
Last updated: October 2002
E-Mail: Ruediger.Jehn [at] esa.int
Brief Biographical Information:
Rüdiger Jehn, of German nationality, has a degree in mathematics.
He joined the European Space Agency in 1989 and since 1991 he works for
the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt as Space Debris and Mission
Analyst. He received his PhD in 1996 for his thesis "Modelling Debris Clouds".
He participates in the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee
(IADC), where the major space-faring nations discuss how to mitigate the
problem of space debris. Other work areas include mission analysis for
the International gamma ray laboratory INTEGRAL and interplanetary dust
models for a planned Infrared Space Interferometry mission called DARWIN,
whose objective is to look for live on other planets. Lately he is responsible
for mission analysis for "BepiColombo", ESA's ambitious Mercury programme
with a planned landing on the innermost planet of our solar system in the
year 2012. With respect to the Leonids, he studied cometary ejection models
to predict the Leonids activities in 2000 and 2001 (see paper
in MNRAS).
Research on Leonid MAC: near-real time flux measurements
We will be part of the near-real time flux measurement team onboard
NASA's DC-8, operating an intensified CCD camera that is identical to a
camera operated from a ground location in Australia by an ESA team lead
by Detlef Koschny. This camera plays the important role of helping to derive
non-saturated fluxes in case the meteor shower activity rises much more
than expected. Our goal is to provide near-real time flux measurements
over a wide range of shower activity and to calibrate the flux measurements
for observing conditions by comparing observations of the shower from different
locations and under different observing conditions. We are especially interested
to have a reliable rate count in case of an extreme storm as predicted
by P. Jenniskens. Back home in Darmstadt at the European Space Operations
Centre, the flux data will be used to monitor the risk for our operational
satellites ERS-2, MARECS B2, ECS-4, XMM and Cluster.
