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Leonid MAC

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flag   Javier Martín Soler,
Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)
Associated to NASA Astrobiology Institute


Laboratory for Robotics and Planetary Exploration,
Centro de Astrobiología
E-mail: martinsj [at]

Brief Biographical Information:

Graduate in Physics Sciences by Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Main subjet in Aplicated Physic. Investigation projects in systems of alternative energy. Manager of  "Laboratorio de Robotica y Exploracion Planetaria" in Centro de Astrobiología.


Research Interests:

  • Control of underwater vehicles.
  • Development of underwater vehicles for exploration of extremal enviorments.  
  • Instrumentation.
  • Development of autonomus rovers for exploration.
Research on Leonid MAC:

Experimenter for the Centro de Astrobiología Near-IR spectroscopy experiment.

He has participated in the scientific design of the experiment. His main role was the design and manufacturing of parts for coupling of the system elements and the integration of the spectrometer.

CAB team

From left to right: Javier Martiín, Dr. Patrick Mcguire, and Dr. Jesus Martínez Frias in the Laboratory for Robotics and Planetary Exploration, Centro de Astrobiología

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