Matthew Lacey
NASA-Ames Astrobiology Academy, now at Stanford University
Last updated: October 1999
E-mail: mlacey [at]
Brief Biographical Information:
Graduate student at Stanford University (Department of Mechanical Engineering). Planned research in Plasma Propulsion. Undergraduate research on GPS system technology at
Kansas University.
BS, in Dept. of Aerospace Engineering of the University of Kansas, May 1999. Born and raised in Houston, TX; Valedictorian of Eisenhower High School in 1995.
Became involved with the Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft
Campaign through the Ames Astrobiology Academy, during which I worked with Dr. Peter
Jenniskens on the development of a meteor train spectrograph.
After completing graduation at Stanford, I worked as a Presidential Management Intern and Liquid Propulsion Engineer at Kennedy Space Center.
Research Interests:
- Astrobiology
- Plasma propulsion
- SSTO propulsion
Research on Leonid MAC:
Slit spectroscopy of meteor trains.
This work led to the discovery that iron oxyde (FeO) "orange arc" emission is the
main source of visible luminosity in persistent trains. Read more about it
This work will be continued in the 2001 Leonid MAC mission by John Plane and colleages.
Measure the radiation of persistent trains during 1999 Leonid MAC.