Near-real time flux measurements and video imaging will be performed
from Mount Lemmon Observatory in Arizona.
Located at 9200 feet altitude north of Tucson,
the Mt. Lemmon Observatory site helped pioneer infrared
astronomy beginning in the 1970s. Astronomers from the
Aerospace Corp and the Universities of Arizona,
Minnesota, Wyoming, Rochester, Cornell, and Boston Univ. still
use the 1.5-meter class telescopes for astronomical research.
Mt. Lemmon also hosts the international
Astronomy Camps
for public involvement in astronomy and for teenage student research
projects using several 12 to 61-inch telescopes and modern instrumentation.
center for astrobiology in Torrejon, Spain, will host the Leonid MAC mission
and will provide coordination among the various Leonid observing efforts
conducted from Spain within the scope of the Leonid MAC effort. Points of contact
for CAB are Capt. Rafael Gomez-Blanco and Dr. Franck Selsis.
Those observing efforts include the following.
Spanish Photographic Meteor Network in collaboration with
the Dutch Meteor Society
will set up an intensive network of photographic stations in Andalucia .
The spanish groups at ground are
coordinated by Josep Trigo-Rodriguez (the University Jaume I of
Castellon), Dr. Alberto Castro-Tirado (Instituto de Astrofisica de
Andalucia/INTA/CSIC) and Dr. Jose L. Ortiz (Instituto de Astrofÿýsica de
Andalucia/CSIC). The spanish network includes
photographic and CCD stations in Huelva, Sevilla, Mÿýlaga and Granada. The Serrania of Huelva station
will operate Dutch Meteor Society provided photographic camera batteries together with the CCDÿýlarge fieldÿýcameras
of the El Arenosillo Observatory (INTA/LAEFF) directed by Dr. Alberto Castro-Tirado (CSIC).
Some of these CCD cameras will be adapted to obtain high resolution spectra.ÿýÿý
Dr. Jose Luis Ortiz (Instituto Astrofÿýsica Andalucia-CSIC) will use similar techniques from the Astronomical
Institute in
Granada. Additionally members of the Malaga astronomical association participate from the
Sierra of Malaga under
potentially excellent sky conditions.
The Dutch Meteor Society groups are coordinated by
Hans Betlem and
Casper ter Kuile.
The Dutch teams have stations at Castillejar, Galera, Otura and Calar Alto Observatory, where
visual observers, photographic camera platforms and intensified video systems will be deployed. Calar Alto
Observatory is planned to be the site for this year's ground-based near-real time flux measurement team.
The network includes two stations with the possibility to be mobile by using RV's,
with participants from the Dutch Meteor Society and the Ondrejov Observatory.
More information can also be found at the main site of
the Dutch Meteor Society.
Submm measurments will be attempted at the
Caltech Submm Observatory
(CSO) in Hawaii, at the
KOSMA 3m submillimeter telescope in Switzerland, and at the Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimetrique (IRAM) in
in a project coordinated by
Didier Despois of the University of Bordeaux. Observations are coordinated
with the ASUR deployment on the Leonid MAC mission.
Detlef Koschny and colleages of the ESA/RSS Meteor Research Group at ESTEC will
observe from locations in Spain as well, and support the Bordeaux
sub-mm experiment at the Institut de
RadioAstronomie Millimetrique (IRAM) in France.