Persistent train probed by lidar. Photo:
Starfire Optical Range
Train probed by lidar [False color] - One of two persistent trains that were probed by lidar beams at the
ground-station at the Starfire Optical Range, at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico. The lidar was supplied by the University of Illinois group
that fielded the 2-beam Fe Lidar onboard Electra (Image: courtesy USAF-Jack Drummond)
Persistent Meteor Train
- A series of snapshot (0.1 second) images of the 20:52:04 UT meteor persistent train, rapidly changing shape over the period of a few minutes (Image: courtesy Peter Jenniskens)
All-sky image with meteor
- A bright meteor was captured by the airglow imager onboard Electra (Image: courtesy Gary Swenson)
UVVis Spectrum - Example of a Ultraviolet-Visible spectrum of a bright Leonid meteor. The meteor is seen on the top right corner of the field of view. The spectrum consists of individual
images of the meteor in its various colors. (Image: courtesy Jiri Borovicka)
Leonid photographs - A collection of many photographs of leonids obtained at the
ground-based sites in China in the course of a triangulation and flux measurement project in support of Leonid MAC (Image: courtesy Dutch Meteor Society)
[Iconic all-sky image from the ground.]
[Iconic train video (ROTSE)]