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Leonid MAC

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Leonid MAC 1999


An unusual image of an "elve" captured by M.J. Taylor and L.C. Gardner of the Space Dynamics Lab., Utah State University, during the night of the Leonids storm at 02:10:00 UT.

Still images

Two meteors against the backdrop of the long lasting persistent train from the 3h13m10s UT fireball, as seen from ARIA in the constellation of Columbo at 2:21:09 UT. Courtesy: Peter Jenniskens.

This airglow image by M.J. Taylor and L.C. Gardner shows regular and chaotic structure in the upper atmospheric OH nightglow emission layer (altitude ~87 km).

Joe Kristl and Mike Taylor of Space Dynamics Lab. present a sequence of images of a near infrared meteor observed with the NRL InGaAs camera flown on the FISTA aircraft.

This images shows the spectrum of a bright afterglow by Jiri Borovicka. Another afterglow spectrum was obtained by Peter Jenniskens/Mike Wilson. The meteor was imaged from ARIA and occured at 04:00:29 UT.

1999 Leonid storm image
1999 Leonid storm as seen from Leonid MAC with 28 mm camera. Photo: Shinsuke Abe and Hajime Yano, ISAS.

HDTV image of storm

Leonid storm live on internet, as seen from ARIA. Image courtesy: Japanese Broadcasting Company (NHK)/Hajime Yano ISAS.

Still images

This graph shows the live flux measurements reported at this website during the 1999 Leonid meteor storm (courtesy: Glenn Deardorff)

This rate curve are 1-minute counts by Dutch Meteor Society observer Koen Miskotte, who observed from one of two ground campaigns in Spain.

Leonid flux as reported live by the LEOC at Marshall Space Flight Center, which coordinated the reporting of flux to satellite operators (Image courtesy: LEOC, MSFC)

NASA/Ames Astrobiology Academy student Matt Lacey, currently at Stanford University, took this unusual spectrum of a persistent train (raw data) of a not quite so bright Leonid at 03:34:12 UT, some tens of seconds after the train formed.

1999 Leonid storm image
1999 Leonid storm as seen from Leonid MAC with 50 mm camera. Photo: Shinsuke Abe and Hajime Yano, ISAS.

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